Taty is a Conservative
No matter how much it pains me to say this, my sister is a conservative.
Not in the sense of "gays should go down a hole and not come back" or "bomb those sand people into Jesus times", but in the other, traditionalist sense.
You oppose change, for a multitude of reasons, and it would probably have been better (in some sense) for you to be born into an earlier, simpler time. Myself, I know I'd have loved to grow up in th 70's, but that's a different story.
You oppose throwing out the old while it's still functioning and replacing it, in your mind un-necessarily, with a newer, flashier thing. Look it up, that's the defintion of a conservative, one who tends to favor traditional views and values and opposes change.
Granted, most of your brethren oppose such radical and evil things as gay marriage and human rights, I'm picking on you purely from the dictionary definition and for no other reason than because I can.
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