Friday, September 01, 2006

The world has gone mad

I've been watching trailers online and ads on TV for two movies: Crank and Crossover.
Crank is an action flick that removes the final barrier, the story, and has a hitman do anything and everything to keep up his adrenaline, including killing people, undergoing electro-shock and getting it on in public, with Amy Smart, no less (a perfect reason to see the movie).
Crossover is street basketball. My assumption (from the TV ads), is that there's some competition, someone's pride is hurt and now "it's on". Oh, and there's a community center that needs to be saved.

Anyway, watching these two compete on TV, I figured they'd both score pretty low with the critics, Crank coming in at around 30%, and Crossover at maybe 50%. (Ratings are those used by a ratio of positive to negative reviews, with 50% meaning that half liked it and half didn't.)

Well, I was terribly wrong. And I am vindicated in wanting to see Crank. Crossover: 0%. Crank: 77%. Not kidding here. 46 critics all hated Crossover. Whaaaa? Oh well, I guess it's a bigger piece of crap than I gave it credit for. I just assumed it would be another brainless "Bring It On". Well, it's worse than that. Yeah, apparently, that's possible.

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