Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pat's a softie

Me: there's a mccormick and shmick's in phoenix and spoofee has a free $25 gift certificate. it's really nice for happy hour, you should check it out.
Pat: i hate seafood
Pat: i'm gonna find you a discount to a church gathering
Me: it's not all seafood for happy hour they have burger and fries for like 3 bucks
Me: you're a damn einstein, church is free
Pat: i meant like a potluck or turkey dinner, idiot
Pat: for easter!
Pat: usually pay like 5-10 bucks for those
Me: i'll bring laxative-laden brownies
Pat: dont want anybody else to be full of's a good plan!
Me: ooh, that's very poetically put
Pat: i have a poetic soul

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