Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More on SeeqPod

More on about SeeqPod and my first impression.

The reason that the RIAA isn't shutting down SeeqPod is very simple: they own SeeqPod. Or, if they don't own it, they sure use it. Or they should, if they have the tiniest hint of intelligence.

I looked into how SeeqPod (damn, typing that name is a pain in the ass!) works: it links to music files that it finds online. The theory here is that the service doesn't give you anything you don't already have access to. All the music is sitting there, online, free for anyone to peruse and download, so what's the harm in streaming it toward the public? Well, the harm is that if the RIAA gets lazy, and we're talking lazier than putting up fake torrents, all they have to do is run a search through SeeqPod and voila! the evil-doers are right there, in a nice linkable format.

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