Saturday, July 29, 2006

Polyamory and me

I was just explaining the concept of polyamory to Taty. For the people living under a rock or behind the Bible, polyamory is the practice of maintaining multiple open relationships at once. We got to the topic when I was explaining my thoughts on traditions, and polyamory was an example of an idea that most people would reject automatically, without even considering it, but it's an idea that has merit, esp. in today's world.
New Scientist had a very interesting article in it ("Love Unlimited", July 8-14, 2006) about polyamory that is a good read and should be examined, in particular if you believe however-strongly against this concept and think that monogamy is the swellest thing since sliced bread.
I'll go into the subject of polyamory and BS traditions in a later blog (or not, seeing how I've already talked about it), but for now I'll just submit this quote from our conversation -

Taty: So, what do you personally think about polyamory? [Specifically, personal feelings.]
Me: I have enough problems finding one person, you want me to try finding multiple?

And that's a wrap, people!

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