Friday, October 27, 2006

BillG e-mailed me!

Walking into the office at the late hour of 8am, I am amused by this most beautiful sight: Bill Gates, The Big Guy Himself, e-mailed me! Obviously, he also cc'd 30,000 other MS employees so they wouldn't feel left out, but you know for a fact that he was just doing that to be polite to them. He really just wanted to talk to me. And he did! Whoo!

Curiously, BillG was asking for money. See, us poor MS peons apparently donate more, per employee, than any other company. Seems like we hold the lead by quite a large margin, as well. And, personal donations are matched by the company, up to 12,000$. For a second there I had a great scheme in mind for others to donate through me and have MS match the amount, but apparently The Big Guy frowns upon that, so there, into the void, goes my plan of world domination.

Next week, new plan.

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