Friday, October 06, 2006

Mullholland Drive

I don't normally bash movies, mainly because I avoid watching the terrible ones (think White Chicks or Agent Cody Banks), but I have to say this about Mullholland Drive: worst movie ever! A waste of time. If it wasn't for the hope that everything would be explained in the end, I would have stopped watching half-way through. Do yourself a favor and skip this horrific flick.

EDIT: Having read the Wikipedia entry of the movie, I am now convinced that this is the worst movie that I would ever recommend to anyone or would myself watch again. Here's how it breaks down: the movie is good, iff (iff = if and only if) you have someone sitting with you and telling you what in the hell is going on on screen. Maybe I'm an idiot. Or maybe, just maybe, Lynch could have been a bit clearer and not so messed up in his movie-making.


Greg Tannahill said...

"Yes, your Honour, and that's when I killed him.

No, your Honour, it was self-defence - if I'd let his Lynch-bashing continue, my whole precious world-view would have come crumbling down.

Yes, your Honour, I would be happy to accept a medal for my service to the community."

FuzzyGamer said...

While I don't doubt you'd be awarded some medal, I hope the judge will smack you upside the head. Lynch is a big boy, he can take care of himself. If need be, he'll stab people with his sharp wit and bludgeon them to death with the plot of Mullholland Drive.

Actually, if I were to kill him, I could claim self-defense: he was making my brain hurt. I'm sure if I watched another of his movies, I would have repainted my walls in "unmyelinated neuron grey".